Seeking for the Manchu: A Reconsideration to the Minority Nationalities Social History Surveys and Its Influence 寻找满族&思考少数民族社会历史大调查及其影响
Social surveys must be conducted within the framework of research ethics, a subject to which China has not given due emphasis. 社会调查必须在研究伦理的框架之内进行,这一点在中国尚未受到应有的重视。
ESP solution to EFL in polytechnics& Answers from social surveys 高职英语的ESP解决方案&来自社会调查的答案
On Fei Xiao-tong's Social Surveys and Essays 学者的思与诗&费孝通社会调查和杂文简论
The major research methods adopted in this dissertation are comparative analysis and social surveys. 本文采用的研究方法主要是比较分析和社会调查的方法。
Following the Association of Zhejiang Students in Japan establishment of an investigation department in 1902, there was a gradual trend toward the use of social surveys in the late Qing. 自1902年底浙江留日学生同乡会成立调查部后,社会调查在清末形成了一股潮流。
Firstly, on the basic of comprehensive literature and social surveys, the experiences of WSSD in China are investigated. 基于对当前我国节水型社会建设试点的文献和社会调研,首先提炼了我国在节水型社会建设方面已取得的基本经验。
These two surveys had different views, but as far as the subject, object and the level of civil virtue were concerned, the comparison of data of two social surveys had enough reasons. 两次调查各有侧重,前者着重于公民文化,后者则立足于公民的日常生活,但就调查的主体、对象及公民美德的层次而言,二者的比较具有坚实的理论基础。
Sampling techniques are becoming important means of economic and social statistical surveys and analysis. 抽样技术正成为我国社会经济统计调查和分析的重要手段。
Widening learning and sight, conducting social surveys, strengthening foresight consciousness, improving thought quality and establishing proper thought structure are the effective ways to narrow the deviation in editing thought. 博学多才、开阔视野、深入社会调查研究、强化超前意识进行超前思维、提高思维素质建立合理的思维能力结构是缩小编辑思维偏差的有效途径和方法。
This paper reports on studies of uxorilocal marriage and its demographic and social consequences in contemporary rural China. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used to analyze data from two surveys in three rural counties of China. 利用在中国农村三个县的社会调查数据,以定量方法为主,结合定性研究方法,对当代中国农村的招赘婚姻及其人口与社会后果进行了系统的实证研究。
CHi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector ( CHAID) algorithm model is applied in social surveys and market segmentation. It is mainly used to classify cohorts by determining the characteristics of several predictors based on a dependent variables. 卡方自动交叉检验(CHi-squaredAutomaticInteractionDetector,CHAID)是一种定性的统计分类技术,主要解决根据一个因变量的不同反应确定若干预测变量的特征问题。
Just with such an attitude, Agnes Heller, as a major philosopher, Ethicist, political philosopher, social philosopher of Budapest School, surveys some aspects about modernity and aesthetic modernity. 布达佩斯学派的主要哲学家、伦理学家、政治哲学家、社会哲学家阿格妮丝·赫勒就是本着这种态度来考察现代性与审美现代性的。
With the combination of the documentary analysis and social surveys, this paper analyzes and probes into the sports consumption, consumption motivation and consumption structure of different occupation groupings in Hefei. 采用文献研究和社会调查等方法,对合肥市城镇不同职业群体的消费水平、动机及结构进行分析研究。
The social surveys are consisted of the survey of basic conditions, the survey of factors before crime, the survey of factors in committing the crime, and the survey of factors after crime. 社会调查主要有基本情况调查、犯罪前因素调查、犯罪中因素调查和犯罪后因素调查。
Core topics include political ideas, social surveys and country pursuit of three aspects. 其核心议题主要体现在政治观念、社会调查和大国理想等三个方面。
The purpose of this study was the current situation of piano education for elder in Changsha, a large number of social surveys and analysis, elderly psycho-physiological condition and psychological physiological needs, to explore teaching methods suited to their special group. 本研究主要目的是调查长沙市老年人学习钢琴的现状,通过大量的社会调查和分析,了解老年人的心理生理状况及心理生理需求,探讨适合他们这一特殊群体的教学方法。
The fourth chapter, focusing on the factual description of social surveys, describes the intuitive feelings and views of teachers and students in the repeatability and convergence. 第四章的安排,着眼于社会调查的事实描述。通过对一线教师和学生代表的访谈了解他们对高中思政教材与大学思政教材重复性和衔接性方面的直观感受和看法。
Such as social surveys, field observation, visits to specialists, experiential learning and classroom discussions, such as access to information etc. Students are the master to learn, practice and teachers have to guide practice and organize the service. 比如现场观察、走进社会、体验学习、课堂讨论、查阅资料等。学生是学习、实践的主人,教师只是学习、实践的引导者和组织者、服务者。
Now the assessment of character is carried out by the way of social surveys and character measurement. 目前对人格的评估主要是通过社会调查和人格测量两种途径进行。